Jar testing, commonly used to calculate the amount of coagulant needed for suspended particles to settle in water, has its drawbacks. Incorporating zeta potential provides numerous advantages. There are two bench-test methods that use zeta potential measurements; different situations determine the suitability of each method. Measuring zeta potential has advanced as an effective testing method with expanded applications.
RoboJar Technology Since 1990
Even today, most routine tests are based on manual jar testing, a complicated process from the 1920s that used simulated conditions and lacked objective data. Roger saw the need for innovation in data analysis of coagulation and flocculation. Clear Corporation begain creating instruments to deliver actionable data for front line operators to make smart decisions in less time. Learn more about Roger Jorden, the founder of RoboJar.
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Optimizing Granular media Filtration Through Bench-Scale and In-Situ Floc Particle Characterization
A discussion of floc particles analysis and the applying results to plant operations to help optimize and control the treatment process of surface water plants. Demonstrated that bench-scale floc particle diameter analysis predicts granular media filtration particle removal on pilot-scale. Pilot- and full-scale studies were conducted.